Copy of List of Available Essences
We are in the process of getting all of our essences listed. We have over 1000 individual essences between the flower essences and crystal essences. We also have more than 35 blends we have created for specific purposes. If you see something on the list you would like us to move up in line to be listed, please message us. If you are looking for an essence to address certain concerns we can help you find that too or even create a custom blend.
Below is a complete list of the essences we offer. If you are ordering a practitioner kit you can use this list to choose essences you do not already have.
Flower Essences
Acacia |
Adam & Eve Orchid |
Adam’s Needle (Yucca) |
African Blue Basil |
African Daisy |
African Iris |
African Violet | Agapanthus | Agave |
Agrimony |
Ajuga |
Alfalfa |
Allegheny Spurge |
Almond Blossom |
Aloe Vera |
Alpine Aster |
Alpine Lily |
Alyssum Basket of Gold |
Amapola | Amaryllidaceae | American Beautyberry |
American Holly |
American Snowbell |
Anchusa |
Angel Wing Begonia |
Angelica |
Angelonia |
Angel’s Trumpet |
Anise Hyssop |
Annual Vinca |
Anthurium |
Apache Plume |
Apple Blossom |
Apricot Blossom |
Arizona Sycamore |
Arizona White Oak |
Arnica | Arrowleaf | Arrowleaf Balsamroot |
Arrowwood |
Arroyo Willow |
Arugula |
Asiatic Hawksbeard | Ashwagandha | Asparagus |
Aspen |
Aster |
Astilbe Peach Blossom |
Astragalus |
Autumn Flower Cherry |
Avens |
Avocado | Azalea | Baby Blue Eyes |
Ballhead Waterleaf |
Balloon Vine |
Balsamroot |
Bamboo Orchid |
Banana |
Banana Yucca |
Baptisia |
Barrett’s Penstemon |
Basil |
Beach Marigold | Bear Grass | Beardtongue |
Beauty Bush |
Bedstraw |
Bee Balm |
Beeblossom |
Beech |
Beechdrops |
Beehive Ginger |
Beggarticks |
Begonia |
Bellflower |
Bellwort |
Bidens |
Big Root Jatropha | Bilberry | Bird of Paradise |
Bird's Foot Trefoil |
Bird’s Foot Violet |
Bisbee Beehive Cactus |
Bitternut Hickory | Black Bearded Iris | Black Cohosh |
Black Eyed Susan |
Black Hollyhock |
Black Locust |
Black Medic |
Black Sage |
Black Spruce |
Black Titi | Blackberry | Blackhaw Viburnum |
Blackthorn |
Bladder Campion |
Bladdernut |
Blanketflower |
Blazing Star |
Bleeding Heart |
Bloodroot |
Blue Cohosh |
Blue Columbine |
Blue Eyed Grass |
Blue Gentian |
Blue Leschenaultia |
Blue Lobelia | Blue Lotus | Blue Mist |
Blue Pentangle |
Blue Star |
Blue Vervain |
Blue Water Lily | Bluebead Lily | Bluebells |
Blueberry |
Bluehearts |
Boneset |
Borage |
Bottlebrush |
Bottlebrush Buckeye |
Bougainvillea |
Bouvardia |
Bradford Pear |
Bridal Wreath Spirea |
Bright Star |
Bristlecone Pine |
Broccoli | Broomrape | Broomweed |
Buckwheat |
Buffalo Gourd |
Bugbane |
Bulbous Buttercup |
Bundleberry |
Bundleflower |
Bur Cucumber | Burdock | Bush Fuchsia |
Bush Honeysuckle |
Buttercup |
Butterfly Bush |
Butterfly Flower |
Butterfly Pea |
Butterflyweed |
Button Bush | Buttonweed | Cacao |
Calendula |
Calico Aster |
California Peony |
California Pitcher Plant |
California Poppy |
California Valerian |
California Wild Rose |
Calla Lily |
Calypso Orchid |
Camas |
Camellia |
Camphorweed |
Canadian Mayflower | Candy Barrel Cactus | Cane Cholla Cactus |
Canyon Dudleya |
Canyon Grapevine |
Caraway |
Cardinal Flower | Cardon Cactus | Carnation |
Caronlina Yellow Jessamine | Carrie Lee Iris | Carrot |
Cassiope |
Cat's Claw |
Cat's Ear |
Catalpa | Catchfly | Catmint |
Catnip |
Cauliflower |
Cayenne Pepper |
Ceanothus |
Cedar Apple Rust |
Cedar |
Cedar Flower |
Centaurea Montana |
Centaury |
Cerastium 'Snow in Summer' |
Cerato |
Chagapa |
Cherokee Rose |
Cherry Blossom |
Cherry Plum |
Chestnut Bud |
Chickweed |
Chicory |
Chinese Chestnut |
Chinese Forget-Me-Not |
Chionodoxa 'Glory of the Snow' |
Chive |
Chocolate Lily |
Christmas Cactus |
Chrysanthemum |
Chrysogonum |
Cilantro |
Cinnamon |
Cinnamon Fern |
Cinquefoil |
Citrus Blossom |
Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus |
Clarkia |
Clary Sage | Claytonia | Cleavers |
Clematis |
Clementine |
Cleome |
Cliff Rose | Climbing Hydrangea | Climbing Nightshade |
Clubhair Mariposa Lily |
Clubmoss |
Coconut |
Coltsfoot |
Comfrey |
Compass Barrel Cactus |
Coneflower |
Cook Strait Groundsel |
Copper Beech |
Coral Bean | Coral Bells | Coral Tree |
Coriander | Corn | Corn Lily |
Corn |
Corn Lily |
Cornflower |
Corsican Mint | Cosmos | Cow Parsnip |
Cow Vetch |
Cowslip |
Crabapple |
Crabgrass |
Cranberry |
Cranesbill |
Crape Myrtle |
Creeping Barberry |
Creeping Bellflower |
Creeping Phlox | Creosote Bush | Crested Iris |
Crimson Clover |
Crippled Cranefly |
Crocus |
Crossvine |
Crown of Thorns |
Crown Vetch |
Crownbeard |
Cucaracha |
Cudweed |
Culvers Root | Curly Dock | Curly Willow |
Cutleaf Geranium |
Cyclamen |
Cymophyllus |
Dagger Hakea |
Daffodil ‘February Gold’ |
Dahlia |
Daisy | Damiana | Dandelion |
Dark Pink Hollyhock |
Date |
Datura |
Dayflower |
Daylily |
Death Camas |
Deep Pink Azalea |
Deep Pink Hollyhock |
Deep Purple Lilac |
Deerberry |
Deerbrush |
Delphinium |
Desert Broom | Desert Christmas Cholla Cactus | Desert Holly |
Desert Jointfir | Desert Lily | Desert Marigold |
Desert Sage |
Desert Sumac |
Desert Thorn |
Desert Willow | Deutzia | Devil's Claw |
Devil's Club |
Devil’s Walkingstick |
Dianthus |
Dill |
Dodder |
Dog Rose |
Dogbane |
Dogfennel |
Doghobble - Drooping Leucothoe |
Dogwood | Door to Change | Dormilona - Mimosa 'Sensitive Plant' |
Double Lavender Lilac |
Double White Lilac |
Downy Avens |
Draba |
Dune Primrose |
Dutch Iris |
Dutchman’s Breeches |
Dwarf Fothergilla |
Dwarf Palmetto |
Dyssodia | Eagle's Eye | Easter Lily (White Trumpet Lily) |
Eastern Red Cedar |
Eastern Redbud |
Echinacea |
Eggplant |
Elder |
Elderberry |
Elderflower | Elecampane | Elephant's Foot |
Elephant's Head |
Elm |
Ernest Markham Clematis |
Eryngo |
Evening Primrose |
Evening Star |
Everlasting |
Everlasting Pea |
Explorer’s Gentian |
Fairy Duster | Fairy Lantern | Fairy Slipper Orchid |
Fairybells |
Fairywand |
False Dandelion |
False Flowering Spurge |
False Foxglove |
False Garlic |
False Hellebore |
False Indigo |
Fan Flower |
Fawnlily |
Female Nettle |
Fernleaf Buckthorn |
Fetterbush |
Feverbark |
Feverfew |
Fiesta Flower |
Fig |
Filaree |
Fire Prickly Pear Cactus | Firecracker Penstemon | Fireweed |
Fish Hook Cactus |
Flax |
Fleabane |
Flight of the Butterflies Iris |
Flor de la Luna |
Flor del Oro |
Florida Anise | Flowering Quince | Fluxweed |
Fly Poison |
Foamflower |
Foamy Bells Heucherella |
Fogfruit |
Foothills Paloverde |
Forget-Me-Not |
Forsythia |
Four O’Clock |
Foxglove |
Foxtail |
Frangipani |
Freedom Flower |
Freesia | Fringed Orchid | Fringetree |
Fuchsia |
Galax |
Garden Sage |
Garlic |
Garlic Chives |
Gentian |
Georgia Basil |
Geranium |
Geranium Sanguineum |
Gerbera |
German Catchfly |
Germander |
Ghost Pipe |
Ghost Plant |
Giant Bellflower |
Ginger |
Ginseng |
Gladecress |
Glassy Hyacinth |
Globe Thistle |
Globemallow |
Gloriosa Lily |
Goatsbeard |
Golden Ear Drops |
Golden Marguerite |
Golden Yarrow |
Goldenaster |
Goldenrod |
Goldenseal |
Goldthread |
Gorse | Grape | Grape Hyacinth |
Grapefern |
Grapefruit |
Grass Pink Orchid |
Gravel Root |
Gray Mangrove |
Gray Spider |
Greater Celandine | Green Adder’s Mouth | Green Bells of Ireland |
Green Bog Orchid |
Green Cross Gentian |
Green Jade |
Green Nicotiana |
Green Rein Orchid |
Green Rose |
Green Tea |
Green Violet |
Ground Ivy |
Ground Laurel |
Groundcherry |
Groundnut |
Groundsel Bush |
Guava |
Hackberry |
Hairy Alum Root | Hairy Bittercress | Hairy Larkspur |
Hairy White Oldfield Aster |
Harebell |
Harvestlice |
Hawkweed | Hawthorn | Healing Heart |
Heartleaf Buckwheat |
Heartleaf |
Heartleaf Foamflower |
Heartmend | Heartsease | Heather |
Heavenly White Narcissus |
Hedge Parsley |
Hedgehog Cactus |
Heliopsis |
Hempvine |
Henbit |
Hepatica | Herb of the Cross | Hibiscus |
Hickory |
Hoarypea |
Hogpeanut |
Holly |
Hollyhock |
Holy Basil |
Honeycup |
Honeysuckle |
Hop Trefoil |
Hopi Corn |
Hoptree |
Hornbeam |
Horse Gentian |
Horsebalm |
Horsenettle |
Horseradish |
Hosta |
Hosta Golden Tiara |
Hound’s Tongue |
Houseleek |
Huishko |
Hyacinth |
Hydrangea |
Hyssop |
Ice Follies Daffodil |
Illawarra Flame Tree |
Impatiens |
Impatiens New Guinea |
Indian Breadroot |
Indian Paintbrush |
Indian Pink |
Indian Pipe |
Indian Root |
Indian Tobacco | Indian Tobacco Lobelia | Indigo Bush |
Inkberry | Inmortal | Iris |
Ironweed |
Isopogon |
Italian Alkanet |
Ivory Hollyhock |
Ivory Pin Cushion |
Ivy |
Jacaranda |
Jack-in-the-Pulpit |
Jacob’s Ladder |
Jade Vine |
Japanese Knotweed |
Japanese Maple |
Japanese Roof Iris |
Jasmine |
Jewelweed |
Jimsonweed | Joe Pye Weed | Johnny Jump Up |
Jojoba |
Joshua Tree |
Jumping Cholla Cactus |
Juniper |
Kangaroo Paw |
Kava Kava |
King Alfred Daffodil | King Fern | Klein's Pencil Cholla Cactus |
Knapweed |
Ko Oko O Lau |
Kudzu |
Labrador Tea | Lace Dianthus | Lady’s Mantle |
Lady’s Slipper |
Lady’s Thumb |
Lady’s Tresses |
Lamb’s Ear |
Lamb's Quarter |
Lanceleaf Similax |
Lantana |
Larch |
Large Leaf Lupine |
Larkspur |
Late Blooming Mariposa |
Late Purple Aster |
Lavender |
Lavender Bearded Iris |
Lavender Wand Penstemon |
Leafcup |
Leatherflower |
Leather Root |
Leek |
Lehua |
Lemon |
Lemon Balm |
Lemon Gem Marigold |
Lemon Lily |
Lemongrass |
Lespedeza |
Lettuce |
Lewisia |
Lichen |
Licorice |
Light Blue Iris |
Light Pink Lily |
Lilac |
Lily |
Lily of the Valley |
Lime |
Linden Flower | Lionsheart | Liriope |
Little Brown Jug |
Littlehip Hawthorn |
Littleleaf Lilac |
Liverleaf |
Liverwort |
Lobelia |
Loosestrife |
Lopseed |
Lotus |
Lovage |
Love-in-a-Mist |
Love-Lies-Bleeding |
Lungwort |
Lupine |
Macadamia |
Madame Fate |
Madia |
Madrone |
Magnolia |
Mahonia |
Maiden Pink Dianthus |
Maidenhair Fern | Maile | Mala Mujer |
Male Nettle |
Mallow |
Malva Sylvestris |
Malva Zebrina |
Mandevilla |
Mango |
Manna Gum |
Manzanita |
Manzo Root |
Maple | Mapleleaf Alumroot | Mapleleaf Viburnum |
Marigold |
Mariola |
Mariposa Lily |
Marjoram |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |
Maroon Beth Root |
Marsh Marigold | Masterwort | Mauve Mullein |
Mayapple | Mayflower | Mayweed |
Mazus |
Meadow Beauty |
Meadow Parsnip |
Meadow Rue |
Meadowsweet |
Melon Loco |
Melothria |
Mesquite |
Mexican Shell Flower |
Mexican Star | Mexican Tarragon | Meyer Lemon |
Milk Thistle |
Milkvetch |
Milkweed |
Mimosa |
Mimosa Tree |
Mimulus |
Missouri Primrose | Mistflower | Mistletoe |
Miterwort |
Mock Orange |
Mock Strawberry |
Money Plant |
Monkshood |
Moonbeam Coreopsis |
Moonshine Yarrow |
Morning Glory |
Moss |
Motherwort |
Mount Hood Lily |
Mountain Devil |
Mountain Forget-Me-Not |
Mountain Laurel |
Mountain Mahogany |
Mountain Mint | Mountain Pennyroyal | Mountain Pink |
Mountain Pride |
Mountain Stewartia |
Mugwort |
Mullein |
Muscadine |
Mushroom |
Mustard |
Narcissus |
Nasturtium |
Native Flax |
Native Passionfruit |
Needle Palm |
Nemophila |
Neomarica |
Neroli |
Nettle |
New Zealand Jasmine |
Nicotiana |
Night Flower |
Nightcaps |
Nightshade |
Noni |
Oak |
Oakleaf Hydrangea |
Oatstraw |
Ocean Spray |
Ocotillo |
Okra |
Old Fashioned Lilac |
Old Man Banksia |
Oleander |
Olive |
Onion |
Opium Poppy |
Orange |
Orange Blossom |
Orange Hawkweed |
Orange Lily |
Orchid |
Oregano |
Oregon Grape |
Oregon Oak |
Organ Pipe Cactus |
Osha |
Ox Eye Daisy |
Painted Buckeye |
Painted Trillium |
Pale Corydalis |
Palmer Amaranth | Palmer’s Penstemon | Pansy |
Papaya |
Parsley |
Partridge Pea |
Partridgeberry |
Passion Flower |
Paw Paw Tree |
Peace Lily |
Peach |
Pear Blossom |
Pedicularis |
Pencil Cholla Cactus |
Pencilflower |
Pennyroyal |
Pennywort |
Penstemon |
Peony |
Pepper |
Peppermint |
Perilla |
Periwinkle Vinca Major |
Periwinkle Vinca Minor |
Perovskia | Persian Basil | Petunia |
Phacelia |
Phantom Orchid |
Phlox |
Pickerelweed |
Pigeonwings |
Pigface |
Pine |
Pineapple |
Pineapple Weed |
Pink Azalea | Pink Hawthorn | Pink Haze Iris |
Pink Lady’s Slipper |
Pink Lilac |
Pink Lupine |
Pink Manjack |
Pink Monkeyflower |
Pink Oleander |
Pink Pond Lily | Pink Vinca Major | Pink Vinca Minor |
Pink Yarrow |
Pinkroot |
Pipestem |
Pipsissewa |
Pitcherplant |
Pittosporum |
Plantain |
Plumeria |
Poet’s Shooting Star |
Pogonia |
Point Leaf Tick Trefoil |
Poison Ivy |
Poison Oak |
Poke Weed |
Pomegranate |
Pond Lily |
Poppy |
Porteranthus |
Potato |
Prairie Clover |
Prairie Coneflower |
Pretty Face |
Prickly Pear |
Prickly Poppy |
Primrose |
Primrose Willow |
Privet |
Pulmonaria |
Pulsatilla |
Pungent Desert Parsley |
Purple Bee Balm |
Purple Bush Bean |
Purple Coneflower |
Purple Deadnettle |
Purple Delphinium |
Purple Lilac |
Purple Loosestrife |
Purple Lupine |
Purple Monkeyflower |
Purple Mullein |
Purple Sand Verbena |
Pussy Ears |
Pussy Paws |
Pussy Toes |
Pygmypipes |
Quaking Grass |
Queen Anne’s Lace |
Queen Bead Lily |
Queen of the Meadow |
Queen of the Night |
Queen of the Prairie |
Rabbit Tobacco |
Rabbitbrush |
Rabbiteye Blueberry |
Ragged Robin |
Ragweed |
Ragwort |
Rattlesnake Plantain |
Rattlesnake Root |
Red Azalea |
Red Basil |
Red Buckeye |
Red Calibrachoa |
Red Champaca |
Red Chestnut |
Red Clover |
Red Columbine |
Red Flowering Currant |
Red Larkspur |
Red Lily |
Red Maple |
Red Penstemon |
Red Raspberry |
Red Spider Lily |
Red Titi |
Red Yarrow |
Redroot |
Redwood |
Rhododendron |
Rock Rose |
Rock Water |
Rocky Mountain Penstemon |
Rose |
Rose of Sharon |
Rosemallow |
Rosemary |
Rosinweed |
Round Headed Bush Clover |
Rowan |
Rue |
Sacred Datura |
Sage |
Sagebrush |
Saguaro |
Santa Fe Phlox |
Sarsparilla Vine |
Sassafras |
Saucer Magnolia |
Saw Palmetto |
Saxifrage |
Scarlet Frittilary |
Scarlet Monkeyflower |
Scarlet Pimpernel |
Scleranthus |
Scotch Broom |
Sea Holly |
Sea Purslane |
Sedge |
Self Heal |
Senna |
September Ruby Aster |
Serviceberry |
Shadow Witch |
Shasta Daisy |
Shasta Lily |
Sherardia |
Shooting Star |
Shortia |
Sierra Primrose |
Silky Lupine |
Silver Chimes Daffodil |
Silverbell |
Silverleaf Nightshade |
Skullcap |
Smartweed |
Snail Vine |
Snapdragon |
Sneezeweed |
Snow on the Mountain |
Snowdrop |
Snow Wreath |
Solomon’s Seal |
Southern Wax Myrtle |
Spanish Needles |
Sparkleberry |
Speedwell |
Spice Bush |
Spiderwort |
Spindletree |
Spleenwort |
Splendid Mariposa Lily |
Spotted Jewelweed |
Spreading Phlox |
Spreading Pogonia |
Spring Beauty |
Spurge |
Squawroot |
St. John’s Wort |
St. Andrew’s Cross |
Star Flower |
Star of Bethlehem |
Star Thistle |
Star Tulip |
Stargazing Lily |
Starwort |
Sticky Monkeyflower |
Stinging Nettles |
Stonecrop |
Stoneseed |
Storksbill |
Strawberry Bush |
Sumac |
Sunchoke |
Sunflower |
Swamp-Haw |
Sweet Autumn Clematis |
Sweet Azalea |
Sweet Chestnut |
Sweet Clover |
Sweet Pea |
Sweet Pepperbush |
Sweet Vetch |
Sweet William |
Sweet Woodruff |
Sweet Yellow Clover |
Sweetleaf |
Sweetroot |
Sweetshrub |
Sweetspire |
Symphytum |
Tall Mountain Larkspur |
Tamarisk Moss |
Tansy |
Tarragon |
Teasel |
Tete a Tete Daffodil |
Thimbleberry |
Thimbleweed |
Thistle |
Thoroughwort |
Thyme |
Tickseed |
Ticktrefoil |
Tiger Lily |
Tiny Bluet |
Tiny Rubies Dianthus |
Tomato |
Touch-Me-Not |
Trillium |
Trumpet Honeysuckle |
Trumpet Vine |
Trumpet Creeper |
Turkish Rose |
Turtlehead |
Twayblade |
Twinleaf |
Umbrella Leaf |
Uva Ursi |
Valerian |
Vanilla |
Venus’ Looking-Glass |
Verbena |
Vervain |
Vetch |
Viburnum |
Vinca Major |
Vine |
Violet |
Virginia Blue Bell |
Virginia Creeper |
Virginia Sweetspire |
Walnut |
Water Violet |
Waterlily |
Waxweed |
Western Red Cedar |
White Azalea |
White Baneberry |
White Campion |
White Chestnut |
White Clover |
White Globe Lily |
White Lily |
White Lupine |
White Oldfield Aster |
White Rhododendron |
White Sage |
White Yarrow |
Wild Azalea |
Wild Bergamot |
Wild Blackthorn |
Wild Cherry |
Wild Columbine |
Wild Geranium |
Wild Honeysuckle |
Wild Hyacinth |
Wild Lettuce |
Wild Lupine |
Wild Oat |
Wild Petunia |
Wild Pink Honeysuckle |
Wild Prayer Peony |
Wild Rose |
Wild Sage |
Wild Strawberry |
Wild Sunflower |
Wild Tobacco |
Wild Violet |
Wild Yam |
Willow |
Winged Sumac |
Winterberry |
Wisteria |
Witch Hazel |
Wood Anemone |
Wood Betony |
Wood Lily |
Wood Poppy |
Wood Sorrel |
Wormwood |
Yarrow |
Yellow Anise-Tree |
Yellow Crownbeard |
Yellow Daylily |
Yellow Flag Iris |
Yellow Foxglove |
Yellow Ginger |
Yellow Loosestrife |
Yellow Root |
Yellow Spiny Daisy |
Yellow Star Tulip |
Yellow Stargrass |
Yerba Santa |
Yew |
Yoshino Cherry |
Zinnia |
Crystal Essences
Alexandrite |
Amazonite |
Amber |
Amethyst |
Ametrine |
Angel Phantom Quartz |
Angelite |
Anhydrite |
Apache Tear |
Apatite |
Apophyllite |
Aqua Blue Obsidian |
Aquamarine |
Aragonite |
Atacamite |
Azeztulite |
Azurite |
Beryl |
Black Obsidian |
Black Tourmaline |
Bloodstone |
Blue Aventurine |
Blue Calcite |
Blue Chalcedony |
Blue Fluorite |
Blue Lace Agate |
Blue Onyx |
Boji Stone |
Botswana Agate |
Bronzite |
Brown Tourmaline |
Carnelian |
Cat’s Eye |
Celestite |
Cerussite |
Charoite |
Chiastolite |
Chlorite |
Chrysanthemum |
Chrysoberyl |
Chrysocalla |
Chrysoprase |
Cinnabar |
Citrine |
Crab Fire Agate |
Cymophane |
Dalmation Stone |
Danburite |
Dendritic Agate |
Denim Lapis |
Desert Rose |
Diamond |
Dioptase |
Emerald |
Fire Agate |
Fluorite |
Fuchsite |
Galena |
Garnet |
Goldstone |
Gray Chalcedony |
Green Agate |
Green Aventurine |
Green Calcite |
Green Obsidian |
Hematite |
Herkimer Diamond |
Howlite |
Idocrase |
Iolite |
Iron Pyrite |
Jade |
Jadeite |
Jet |
Kunzite |
Kyanite |
Labradorite |
Lapis Lazuli |
Larimar |
Lemurian Crystal |
Leopardskin Jasper |
Lepidolite |
Magnesite |
Magnetite |
Malachite |
Merlinite |
Milky Quartz aka Snow Quartz |
Moldavite |
Mookaite |
Moonstone |
Morganite |
Moss Agate |
Muscovite |
Nebula |
Ocean Jasper |
Okenite |
Opal |
Peridot |
Petalite |
Phenacite |
Pietersite |
Pink Agate |
Pink Calcite |
Prasiolite |
Prehnite |
Purple Agate |
Pyrolusite |
Quartz (clear) |
Rainbow Moonstone |
Rainforest Jasper |
Red Aventurine |
Red Jasper |
Red Tiger’s Eye |
Rhodochrosite |
Rhodonite |
Rhyolite |
Rose Quartz |
Ruby |
Ruby in Zoisite |
Rutilated Quartz |
Sapphire |
Sardonyx |
Scolecite |
Sea Fossil |
Selenite |
Septarian |
Seraphynite |
Serpentine |
Shattuckite |
Shiva Lingham |
Smithsonite |
Smoky Quartz |
Snowflake Obsidian |
Sodalite |
Spinel |
Staurolite |
Stilbite |
Sugalite |
Sulphur |
Sunstone |
Teal Fluorite |
Tektite |
Thulite |
Tiger Iron |
Tiger’s Eye |
Topaz |
Tourmalinated Quartz |
Tourmaline |
Tree Agate |
Turquoise |
Ulexite |
Unakite |
Vanadinite |
Variscite |
Vesuvianite |
Violet Fluorite |
White Calcite |
Wulfenite |
Yellow Jasper |
Zebra Agate |
Zeolite |
Zincite |
Zoisite |